Welcome to Courstime! We take your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy explains how we use and share your personal information when you use our website and services. If you use Courstime, it means you’re okay with what’s written here.

  1. The Information We Collect:
    a. Personal Information: Sometimes we collect personal info like your name, email, phone number, and payment details when you sign up, buy something, or ask us for help.
    b. Log Data: Our computers note info like your IP address, the kind of browser you use, and which pages you look at on our site.
    c. Cookies and Similar Stuff: We might use cookies and things that are like them to make your time on our website better and learn how you use it. You can change your cookie settings in your web browser.
  2. How We Use Your Info:
    a. We use the personal info we collect to give you our services, make them better, handle payments, answer your questions, and make your time with us special.
    b. Sometimes we’ll use your email to send you news about our stuff. If you don’t want them, you can say so anytime.
    c. We might mix up and hide your info for research to make our website and services even better.
  3. Sharing Your Info:
    a. We don’t sell or rent your personal info to others unless you say we can or the law makes us.
    b. Sometimes we share your personal info with trusted helpers who make our website work well. They have to keep your info secret and use it only for what we say. 
    c. We might share your info if we think it’ll stop someone from hurting our rights, if we have to check if our rules are followed, or if the law says we have to.
  4. Keeping Your Info Safe: We try hard to keep your personal info safe from bad people, but nothing online is 100% safe. We do our best to protect your info, though.
  5. For Kids: Courstime is for grown-ups, not kids under 18. We don’t mean to get info from kids. If we do by accident, tell us, and we’ll fix it.
  6. Other Websites: Sometimes we link to other websites we don’t run. We’re not in charge of how they use your info. Check their privacy rules before you give them info.
  7. Changes to This Privacy Policy: Sometimes we might change this Privacy Policy. If we do, we’ll say when it happened. If you keep using Courstime after we change things, it means you’re okay with the changes.
  8. How to Reach Us: If you have questions or worries about this Privacy Policy or how we handle info, send us a message at support@courstime.com or use the form on our website.

Remember to read this Privacy Policy carefully. If you use courstime.com, it means you’ve read, understood, and agreed to follow this Privacy Policy.